What Happened at Berkeley in 1985

On November 5, 2017, with a heavy but angry heart, three decades of smoldering, unspoken words poured forth in a letter addressed to the university at which, I believed, the professor who raped me still taught: Dear Those Who are Concerned about Sexual Abusers at Stanford: I am writing to report that when I was … Continue reading What Happened at Berkeley in 1985

Thinking about Rape and #Lara Logan

While it is tiresomely predictable and lamentable that the knee-jerk reaction to the rape of a woman journalist has been to blame the victim, it is more distressing to me that so few commentators on the commentary have discussed the cultural conditions that permit and even encourage men to prove their manhood by beating, raping … Continue reading Thinking about Rape and #Lara Logan

The Rapists at College

The commonplace that men who rape women are misogynists bears repeating. A recent study by psychologist David Lisak shows that college rapists are overwhelmingly repeat offenders (9 out of 10) who deliberately seek out vulnerable women, especially women who have been drinking. "When compared to men who do not rape," Lisak observes, "these undetected rapists … Continue reading The Rapists at College